Image Location Description Source
Parish A cat cleaning its bumhole. Book of hours (Ms. Charlotte of Savoy)
France, Paris, ca. 1420-1425,
MS M.1004 fol. 172r.
NY, Morgan Library & Museum.
Parish A person entering a building. Le Roman de la Rose, par Guillaume de Lorris et Jean Clopinel, ou de Meun.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Français 24388, fol. 2r.
Parish “Fox, walking on hind legs, holding walking stick with forelegs, with basket of chickens strapped to his back (Fable: Fox and Chickens)”
In this case used as a symbol of pilgrimage; travel.
Book of hours (Ms. Charlotte of Savoy)
France, Paris, ca. 1420-1425,
MS M.1004 fol. 157r.
NY, Morgan Library & Museum.
Parish Church Vita beatae Hedwigis:
Nuns from Bamberg Settling at the New Convent.

Unknown artist/maker, 1353.
Ms. Ludwig XI 7 (83.MN.126), fol. 56.
Postroom A floating hand holding a quill. Libro degli uomini famosi.
Italy, Venice, ca. 1405.
MS G.36 fol. 116r.
Churchyard Church Estoire del Saint Graal, La Queste del Saint Graal, Morte Artu.
France, N. (Saint-Omer or Tournai?) Date 1st quarter of the 14th century
Royal 14 E III f. 93v Arthur bidding farewell to his knights.
ChurchyardWooden fence Pierre le Fruitier, dit Salmon,Réponses à Charles VI et Lamentation au roi sur son état.
Salmon, Pierre (13..-14.. ; chroniqueur). Maître de la Mazarine. Enlumineur.
Folio 61v.
Churchyard Trees/forest A Hunter and a Dog Examining a Deer's Fraying Place.
Unknown artist/maker, about 1430–1440.
Ms. 27 (87.MR.34), fol. 52
Churchyard Bell Pontifical - caption: 'Leper with bell'.
Lansdowne 451, f.127, circa 1400.
Churchyard A cat dressed in a monk’s cowl. Horae ad usum Rotomagensem, 1460-1470.
Amboise, George d' (1460-1510).
Churchyard, church porchAn anthropomorphic cat dressed in a nun’s habit. Book of hours [Horae beatae Virginia Mariae ad usum Romanum, cum calendario].
p. 206, ca. 1490.
Cemetery Church Saint Hedwig Offering Hospitality; Saint Hedwig Presenting Her Daughter Gertrude to the Convent of Trebnitz
Ms. Ludwig XI 7 (83.MN.126), fol. 18v
Unknown artist/maker, 1353
Cemetery, Chapel Wooden fence in front of a landscape.
A Wolf Caught in a Fenced Trap Baited with a Lamb
Ms. 27 (87.MR.34), fol. 105v
Unknown artist/maker, Unknown artist/maker
Cloister A well enclosed by a woven fence. Speculum Humanae Salvationis.
Sarnen, Benediktinerkollegium, 1427.
Cod. membr. 8, f. 6r.
Cloister Building; stairs leading into it. Vita beatae Hedwigis:
Saint Hedwig Offering Hospitality.

Unknown artist/maker, 1353.
Ms. Ludwig XI 7 (83.MN.126), fol. 18v.
Cloister Building; rear view. Vita beatae Hedwigis:
The Self-Flagellation of Saint Hedwig.

Unknown artist/maker, 1353.
Ms. Ludwig XI 7 (83.MN.126), fol. 38v.
Hortulus, inn Patch of grass A Hunter and a Young Boy
Ms. 27 (87.MR.34), fol. 45
Unknown artist/maker, about 1430–1440
Hortulus Walls enclosing a garden; with entryway. Speculum humanae salvationis.
Nordwestdeutschland, um 1360; [13] - 7r.
Hortulus Walls enclosing a garden; with well and trees. Speculum humanae salvationis.
Nordwestdeutschland, um 1360; [13] - 7r.
Hortulus Snail (via
British Library, Additional MS 42130 (The Lutterell Psalter), folio 159r.
Hortulus Poppy Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
290 CXLIIv
Hortulus Clover Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
Hortulus Hyssop Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
403 CXCIXr
Hortulus Flax Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
236 CXVv
Hortulus Willow Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
346 CLXXv
Hortulus “Dollwurz.” Used as depiction of nightshade Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
398 CXCVIv
Hortulus Violet Ortus sanitatis, p.470.
Mainz : Jacob Meydenbach, 1491.
Hortulus Marygold Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
122 LVIIIv
Hortulus St. John’s Wort Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
406 CCv
Hortulus Valerian Gart der Gesundheit, p.447.
Hamsen Schönsperger, 1487.
Hortulus Rosemary Gart der Gesundheit, p.41.
Hamsen Schönsperger, 1487.
Hortulus Elder Gart der Gesundheit, p.380.
Hamsen Schönsperger, 1487.
Hortulus Wormwood Gart der Gesundheit, p.12.
Hamsen Schönsperger, 1487.
Hortulus Mugwort Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
11 IIIr
Hortulus Mint Gart der Gesundheit, p.279.
Hamsen Schönsperger, 1487.
Hortulus Lavender Gart der Gesundheit,
Cuba, Johannes von [um 1485/86]
234 CXIVv
Hortulus Ribwort plantain Gart der Gesundheit, p.343.
Hamsen Schönsperger, 1487.
Hortulus Caraway Gart der Gesundheit, p.149.
Hamsen Schönsperger, 1487.
Workshop“Burgunderkriege: Die Beute von Grandson wird bis zur Verteilung im Luzerner Wasserturm aufbewahrt (1476)”.
In this case used as an artisan’s workshop.
Eidgenössische Chronik des Luzerners Diebold Schilling (Luzerner Schilling).
Luzern, Korporation Luzern, 1513.
S 23 fol., p. 202.
Chapel, Altar Table Hugo von Trimberg: Der Renner · Johann Hartlieb: Alexanderroman.
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 91, f. 18r.
Inn Two neighbouring two-story houses and a pillar inbetween them. The Crusader Bible.
Paris, France ca. 1244–1254
David's Lust .
MS M.638, fol. 41v
Inn Treasure chest Book of Hours;
Flemish, early 14th century; @trincollcam MS B.11.22,
f. 213r.
Inn, Library A floating arm holding a book; Pink book Pontificale ecclesiae beatae Mariae Trajectensis.
Master of Catherine of Cleves, ca. 1450.
p. 75.
thankyou baalbek
Bedchamber Interior view of a house, with entrance Blinding of Tobit,
La Bible Historiale, part 4 (Bible Historiale of Edward IV).
BL Royal 15 D I, f. 18.
Bedchamber Clothes rack with two rags and a hose. Amb. 317.2° (Mendel I), 1489ti.
Folio 107 recto.
Bedchamber Peculiar table with books Français 1177,
Christine de Pizan (1364?-1430?).
Bedchamber Dish cabinet Fleur des histoires. Français 297,
Jean Mansel (1400?-1473?).
Bedchamber Rug the sin of adultery,
British Library MS Royal 6 E VI f. 61.
Bedchamber A cat cleaning its hind legs. Book of hours (Ms. Charlotte of Savoy)
France, Paris, ca. 1420-1425,
MS M.1004 fol. 125v.
NY, Morgan Library & Museum.
Bedchamber Coat Amb. 317.2° (Mendel I), 1489.
Folio 107 recto.
Church porch Kitten drinking from a bowl of milk Trivulzio Book of Hours.
Belgium--Flanders, 1470.
Image 228.
Church porch Cat Breviary
Italy, probably Taranto, 1350-1400
MS M.200 fol. 462v
Church porch Porridge Fleur des histoires. Français 297,
Jean Mansel (1400?-1473?).
Church porch Interior view of a building. Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 85
William of Tyre, History of the Crusades translated into French, with an anonymous continuation to the year 1229
f. 12v
Church porch Hallway MS 32,513
Defensorium inviolatae virginitatis Mariae.

Franciscus, de Retza, ca. 1343-1427,
National Library of Ireland. Department of Manuscripts
Image 35.
Church porch Passageway. In this case used as cloister. L'Epistre d'Othea = [ms. 9392]
Christine de Pisan (ca. 1364-ca. 1431)
Lille, 1460
Image 96.
Church porch Cat eating from a red bowl/mug MS 32,513
Defensorium inviolatae virginitatis Mariae.

Franciscus, de Retza, ca. 1343-1427,
National Library of Ireland. Department of Manuscripts
Image 49.
Aberdeen University Library, Univ Lib. MS 24)
Early 13th Century
fol. 27v.
Aberdeen University Library, Univ Lib. MS 24)
Early 13th Century
fol. 32r.
Inn Sealed letter Spielkarte, Heiliges Römisches Reich, Bote (Zwei), aus dem sog. Hofämterspiel
um 1455
Early 13th Century
Parish Clouds Apocalypse de S. Jean, en français.
Colins Chadewe. Enlumineur, 1301-1400
f. 64r
Inn “Enclosing of an anchoress”. Anchoress; female hermit; face in the window of a house. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 079: Pontifical
dating from c. 1400 and c. 1410
201 of 592 • f. 96r
Hortulus Backdoor of the church. BL Royal 14 E III Estoire del Saint Graal, La Queste del Saint Graal, Morte Artu
France, 1300-1325
Bedchamber door Key Reimspruch auf das Armbrust- und Büchsenschießen in Worms 1575
Worms (?), um 1575
Cod. Pal. germ. 405 Flexel, Lienhart
f. 5r
Bedchamber door Solemn building Speculum humanae salvationis
Nordwestdeutschland, um 1360; [13] - f. 9r
Inn Woman (maybe a nun) carrying a rabbit in a basket The Maastricht Hours
1st quarter of the 14th century
(ff. 2v-13r), British Library Stowe Ms 17
Inn Hanging sign of a shop or tavern
Cathedral/ well endowed chapel Apocalipsis in dietsche
f. 1r
Bedchamber, Cemetery Cat edited to look like my own, Vinzi. Book of hours (Ms. Charlotte of Savoy)
France, Paris, ca. 1420-1425,
MS M.1004 fol. 172r.
NY, Morgan Library & Museum.
Bedchamber Black cat, looks like my tortoiseshell cat Schnitzi. Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 533
England, 13th century, middle
fol. 013r
Inn Very orange cat Psalterium ; Psautier de Peterborough ; Peterborough Psalter = [ms. 9961-62]
[Angleterre: Londres?], [vers 1300 (avant 1317-1318)]
p. 152
Inn Brown horse with bell around its neck. Psalterium ; Psautier de Peterborough ; Peterborough Psalter = [ms. 9961-62]
[Angleterre: Londres?], [vers 1300 (avant 1317-1318)]
p. 152
Churchyard Grave markers made of wooden planks « Livre appelé Decameron , aultrement surnommé le Prince Galeot », de « JEHAN BOCCACE », traduction exécutée sur une traduction latine par « LAURENT DE PREMIERFAIT ».
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-1375). Auteur du texte
f. 1r
Parish Cobblestone Le livre appellé Decameron
Boccace. Auteur du texte;; 1401-1500
f. 341r
Parish Birch bark containers, one is decorated with the image of a griffin. Theatrum Sanitatis
Ms.4182 tav.179
De' Grassi, Giovannino
Parish Birch bark containers. Tacuinum sanitatis
Ibn-Buṭlān, al-Muḫtār Ibn-al-Ḥasan, -1069
Oberitalien (Verona ?) ; Ende 14. Jhdt
p. 95
Workshop Ark of Covenant; tabernacle Bible Historiale
France, Paris, ca. 1415
MS M.394 fol. 146r
Inn white cat looking up Oversize Ms. Codex 724 Biblia
Possibly written and illuminated in Arras, France, in the last quarter of the 13th century. Date ca. 1275-1299
fol. 18v
Church porch girdle book Call number: Masi Fragment 65
Illuminated Initial P. The two women inside the initial each have a girdle book.
Chapel Altar Bible, Ancien Testament, Genèse : Offrandes d'Abel et CaïnFrançais 159 , Guiard des Moulins, Bible historiale
Artiste non identifié - Paris (France) - XIVe-XVe siècles
f. 10r via Mandragore
Chapel Cat playing the organ Walters Ms. W.438, Prayer Book (Use of Rome)
Bruges or Ghent, Flanders Ca. 1480-1490 CE
fol. 161v
Chapel Altar/Tabernacle with 4 naked female figures on it Bodleian Library MS. Douce 195
Le Roman de la Rose
French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600)
fol. 116v
Chapel Scroll with something written on it Add. 28962
Psalter and Hours, Dominican use (the 'Prayerbook of Alphonso V of Aragon'); Spain, 1436-43
Chapel Tracery windows/wall of church Cotton Domitian A. XVII
Miniature of a mitred bishop and nobles sitting in a choir within a church, from the Psalter of Henry VI, Paris, c. 1405-10 (with later additions)
f. 12v
Project/beekeeper Beehive with bees swarming Luttrell Psalter
Project/beekeeper Decorative vine/leaf border Weingartner Liederhandschrift - HB XIII 1
Konstanz, [Anfang 14. Jahrh.]
[48] - 40
Project/beekeeper Decorative rose border via foliamagazine credit may be false as I can’t find the manuscript online (or maybe taken down?)

Eleison Quill & Inkwell Ovide, Héroïdes, traduction d'Octavien de Saint-Gelais Ovide (0043 av. J.-C.-0017). Auteur du texte
François Ier (1494-1547 ; roi de France).
Français 875
f. 92r
Chapel Framed piece of paper with something written on it Jean Mansel, La fleur des histoires Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 64
François Ier (1494-1547 ; roi de France).
around 1480
Ms. fr. 64, f. 322r
Chapel Door Bodleian Library MS. Douce 195 Le Roman de la Rose
France, 1490–1500
fol. 5r
Chapel Key Bodleian Library MS. Douce 195 Le Roman de la Rose
France, 1490–1500
fol. 5r
Library Black book Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 182
Prose adaptation of Pèlerinage de la vie humaine by Guillaume de Deguileville
Fin 15e - début 16e siècle
f. 5r
Library Red book & Blue book Ms. 9235-37
BRUXELLES, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, 09235-09237
Bruxelles, KBR
p. 13
Library Red book Ms. 9235-37
BRUXELLES, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, 09235-09237
Bruxelles, KBR
p. 17
Library Green book Les douze dames de rhétorique (MS Nn.3.2)
Bruges, Flanders, 1467-68 C.E.
f. 26v
Library Light Green book Ms-5190 réserve Chroniques de Froissart, tome IV
Bibliothèque nationale de France. Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal. Ms-5190 réserve
f. 1r
Guide Mysterious slit opening The Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg, Duchess of Normandy
Attributed to Jean Le Noir French before 1349
Accession Number: 69.86
f. 331r
Keys BL Sloane MS 2435
Monk drinking from barrel - Li Livres dou Santé (late 13th C)
Key Apocalypse glosée, dite Apocalypse de 1313.
Chadewe, Colin. Enlumineur 1312-1314
Post Pigeon FRÉDÉRIC II , traité de fauconnerie , traduction française, faite à la demande de Jean, sieur de Dampierre et de Saint-Dizier, et de sa fille Isabelle.
Friedrich II (empereur d'Allemagne ; 1194-1250). Auteur du texte, 1201-1300
Library Book Grillinger-Bibel
Inn Book Le livre appellé Decameron
Boccace. Auteur du texte, 1401-1500
f. 231v
Churchyard Patch of roses Beinecke MS.229 Arthurian Romances
France [between 1290 and 1300]
Manuscript on parchment of 1) Le livre de Lancelot du Lac, part III. 2) La queste del Saint Graal. 3) La mort au Roy Artus
f. 099v
Post Dovecote Pseudo-Oppien , Xénophon et Manuel Philès.
France [between 1290 and 1300]
Grec 2737
f. 12r
Workshop Open book on podium Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 93
Jacques de Cessoles, Echecs moralisés
France · end of the 14th century
f. 8v
Sacristy Cabinet Horae ad usum Parisiensem, dites Heures de Charles d'Angoulême
Duchesne, Jean (1779-1855). Auteur du texte
Latin 1173
Sacristy Statue of a saint on a table (actually from the myth of Pygmalion) Le Roman de la Rose, par Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun. 1401-1500
Beaujeu, Anne de France, duchesse de Bourbon, dame de.
Français 24392
Sacristy Door Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 64. vers 1480
Jean Mansel, La fleur des histoires
f. 105v

continuously updated