I hope this reaches you well, host - whether sir or madame or of non-applicable title - of the Monastery. I write to thee to wish thee well on thine journey in life. Indeed, 'tis a life most perplexing, with its many winds and bends, and peaks and valleys to navigate. Truly, to walk upon its perilous surface along a path so treacherous is to reveal the pure tenacity of the One whose feet walk across it. And thee hast such feet to walk.
Henceforth, to whatever path your feet may be dancing so gracefully upon, I wish you find the most glorious moments in life; the fruit in which the tree produces in thine garden of pleasure, the flowers that pepper thine fields of happiness, and the lush forest of thine fulfillment.
I give my warmest gratitude for creating a wondrous space to express such wishes, and shall conclude my message with equally warm regards. For what is a city without people? Merely a statement.
"We existed."
I ramble, you know my nature as a poet, though I truly do wish to see warmer days grace our poor children.
I can only live to serve them a greater world. I will not give up on them now. Not ever.
Henry Selva